Craft a resumé that gets noticed

Get career ready with help from Career Advancement Services
Get career ready with help from Career Advancement Services

Get a head start on getting hired with a great resumé — and some pro tips from Career Advancement Services:

  • Get on My Career Hub — not only will you find an inventory of job opportunities, but there's also a resumé builder template that can help kick things off.
  • Follow companies you're interested in on social media. Both job postings and social content are full of keywords and hints on what to highlight on your resumé.
  • Get involved and get skills — skills you can include on your resumé, skills your next boss wants in an employee. Check out co-curricular opportunities, student clubs and industry events to get started. 
  • No formal work experience? Talk about current/past school projects on your resumé — things like capstone projects and practicum experience.
  • Clean up your digital act. 98% of companies use LinkedIn for recruiting. While it's good to show a bit of personality, make sure you don't post anything inappropriate that would give a company a reason not to hire you.
  • Remember, always tailor your resumé and cover letter to the position you're applying for.

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