A message from Dr. David Ross, SAIT President and CEO

We can do better


We can do better.

Racism exists and we are not immune to it in Canada, in our neighbourhoods or on our campuses. At SAIT, we can always do better at creating a campus where everyone is welcome and feels valued.

We are listening, and we believe strongly that diversity should be sought out and celebrated.

However, we acknowledge there is work to be done. Listening and hearing from others this week, it is clear many feel the same way and it is reassuring to know there is a shared commitment to creating change.

Racism and discrimination have no place here or anywhere. Our commitment at SAIT is that we will continue to listen and every day, aim to do better than the day before — creating a campus that benefits from, and is a benefit to, all people.

If you experience or witness discrimination please contact our discrimination and harassment hotline at 403.210.4406.

Seeing trauma in the media can be triggering for some people. There are many SAIT resources available if you need support at this time:

  • Student Development and Counselling: 403.284.7023, Monday to Friday, 9 to 4 pm
  • Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP), available through SAITNOW
  • Chinook Lodge Resource Centre: lodge@sait.ca
  • discrimination and harassment hotline: 403.210.4406

Additional resources:

Commitment to Excellence

We prepare students for successful careers and lives.

Strategic plan